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What is Hysteroscopy with Polypectomy and Fibroid Removal?

Hysteroscopy with polypectomy and fibroid removal is a surgical procedure that involves removal of both uterine polyps and fibroids. It is performed with the help of a thin flexible tube with a light source called a hysteroscope, which is inserted into the uterus through the vagina.

This procedure is used for the diagnosis and/or treatment of various gynecological disorders. It can be done at any time when you are not menstruating.

Fibroids and polyps are noncancerous growths or benign tumors that can develop in the tissues of the uterus. The difference between fibroids and polyps is the tissue type. Polyps develop from the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus, while fibroids develop from connective fibrous tissues.

Indications for the Procedure

Hysteroscopy with polypectomy and fibroid removal is indicated for:

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding/heavy periods
  • Fibroid tumors
  • Polyps
  • Chronic abdominal pain
  • Uterine adhesions/Asherman's Syndrome
  • Repeated miscarriages
  • Infertility

Surgical Procedure

The general steps for hysteroscopy with polypectomy and fibroid removal include the following:

  • You will be placed in a supine position with your legs slightly apart and knees slightly raised.
  • The choice of anesthesia, either local or general, depends on your doctor’s discretion.
  • The cervix, the opening of the uterus in the vagina, is dilated by inserting medication or using special dilator instruments.
  • A speculum is inserted into the vagina and the hysteroscope is then inserted through the speculum and slowly advanced into the uterus.
  • A gas or liquid is released from the hysteroscope into the uterus, expanding the area and allowing a better view of the inside of the uterus, particularly the inner lining and the openings of the fallopian tubes.
  • The hysteroscope is connected to a video monitor which displays the images of the uterine cavity for your surgeon to view.
  • Miniature surgical instruments are passed through the hysteroscope to remove any polyps or fibroids present.
  • After the polyps and fibroids are removed, the scope and instruments are removed.

Postoperative Care

You will be allowed to go home the same day if local anesthesia was used. However, you may be hospitalized overnight if general anesthesia was used during the procedure.

  • You will have some mild cramping and vaginal bleeding for a few days after the procedure, which is normal.
  • Your doctor will prescribe medications for pain relief as needed.
  • Avoid using tampons, douching, soaking in a tub or pool, and intercourse for two weeks after the procedure.
  • You may resume your normal daily activities but should avoid strenuous activities or sports for a week post hysteroscopy.

Risks and Complications

Hysteroscopy with polypectomy and fibroid removal is generally safe. However, it may have certain risks and complications such as:

  • Injury to the uterus or cervix
  • Infection
  • Reaction to the anesthesia
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding

You should call your doctor immediately if you experience:

  • Temperature greater than 101 degrees
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
  • Severe nausea and vomiting


Hysteroscopy with polypectomy and fibroid removal is the treatment of choice for women suffering from uterine polyps and fibroids. It is a safe and effective procedure that provides relief from heavy bleeding and chronic abdominal pain due to the presence of these growths and will give you the chance to lead a normal and healthy life. Talk to your gynecologist or fertility specialist to learn more.

Allen OB/GYN

931 SH 121, Suite 2500, Allen, TX 75013